An intent Red-tailed Hawk glides with ease, talons extended, towards what it hopes is breakfast.
On the wing
American Kestrels are masters of powered migration, meaning that they primarily move by using their wings to propel, rather than gliding on warm columns of air called thermals. Fast and aggressive fliers, they are also massively strong.
Sharp-shinned hawks are skilled woodland hunters that are capable of catching small and medium sized songbirds while on the wing, even hunting during migration.
Northern Harriers are raptors that specialize in wetland and marsh habitats, hunting small mammals hiding in the reeds. They sport a flattened facial disk which helps them to locate the subtle sounds of moving rodents which is also very reminiscent of the face of an owl.
Osprey are fish specialists, and have even been seen "packing a lunch" -- carrying fish during migration to eat on the road. They especially enjoy the bounty of the alewife migration in Maine after the long journey to their nesting grounds.
True Love
Bald eagles in Maine either remain over the winter on their nesting grounds, or remain nearby. This allows them the luxury of starting mating and nesting unusually early in the spring, often while there is still snow on the ground.
These Bald Eagle chicks wait patiently, but attentively, for the return of the parent who hopefully will bring some fish or a bit of rodent for breakfast.